About Us

When MiLicia first created Hippie Earthling, LLC, 2020 she honestly didn’t know why she was starting it.

Her life was chaotic, she was recently divorced, drinking alcohol excessively, battling a sex addiction, working 16 plus hours six days a week. She was plagued with anger, stress, guilt, battling with childhood and sexual traumas. The kicker is, she was dealing with all of this while raising her daughter.

 On the outside looking in everyone thought she was okay but inside she wasn’t.

 Regardless of that, 2020 came in and shook up her life and she will forever be grateful for that shift.

 So why did she start Hippie Earthling LLC…

 As mentioned above when she first started Hippie Earthling, LLC, she had no clue what she was doing or why she was doing it.

 One day she was sitting in her living room journaling and the name Hippie Earthling came to her so vividly.

 The name itself describes her so perfectly. Hippie comes from how she sees herself in the world. She sees herself living in nature, smoking herbs, eating fresh fruit, vibing out with Mother Earth all while maintaining autonomy. Earthling comes from her truly believing we are spiritual being having a human experience on this planet we call earth.

 So, why did she start Hippie Earthling LLC….

 By now you can tell if you asked her this question in 2020 it would have been “I DON’T KNOW”

However, today she can strongly say she started Hippie Earthling, LLC, to heal the mental and physical state of our people by focusing on what caused the blockage in the first place.

Her passion is to help people who are battling with low self-esteem, self-hatred, childhood traumas, addictions and all things that causes the body and chakras to be out of alignment.

MiLicia coined the moto “Discover Your Inner Hippie” meaning discover your natural state of being.

Starting Hippie Earthling, LLC, made her do just that. Instead of running to alcohol or sex to provide temporary relief from her then low self-esteem and depression. She now slows down, connect with her body, connect with mother nature, and get back in tune with her natural state of being. 

"Discovering your inner Hippie, will not always consist of sunshine and rainbows. Hell, even I have hiccups along the way, but the goal is to continue moving! If you continue to move even if it’s slowly, you will always be moving forward." -MiLicia